Higher flora and vegetation, eco-monitoring, synanthropy and invasive ecology
- 2013
Radanova S. Analysis of synanthropic flora in the “Ayazmoto” landscape forest park (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria) . Journal of Biodiversity and Ecol. Science, Iran (in press).
Radanova, S. Floristic analysis of the “Zmeyova dupka” natural landmark, Stara Zagora region, South Bulgaria. XLIV International Research and Practice Conference “Earth: life in biodiversity” (in press).
- 2012
Radanova, S. Anthropogenic pressure consequences in the “Ayazmoto” forest park. Proceedings of “IX Nat. sci.-techn. conf. with internat. part. “Ecology & health” Plovdiv (17.05. 2012), 493-498.
Radanova S., Yakimova L. Presence of North American taxa in the synanthropic flora of Stara Zagora town, South Bulgaria. Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, special edition – on line, (National Youth Conference “Biological sciences for a better future”, Plovdiv, October 19-20, 2012; 99-104.
- 2009
Radanova, S. Variety of medicinal plants in a cultigenic ecosystem. “XI Anniversary sci. conf., 120 years of acad. education in biol., 45 years Faculty of Biol.”, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 23/2009/ SE/ on line – impact factor 0,023.
- 2009
- 2007
Radanova, S., Ivanova. S. Flora and vegetation of the ”Milkini scali” Natural Landmark, Stara Zagora region, Ecology and Future, 2: 43 – 47 Flora and vegetation in the vicinities of the Kolena dam, Stara Zagora region.
- 2007
- 2006
Radanova, S. Floristic analysis of the plant cover in the northern part of the forest shelter belt of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. For. Sci., Vol. XLI, №2: 43-52.
Раданова, С. About possibilities of self-finance to forestpark “Mitropolit Methodi Koussev” and building to uniform park administration. Ecology and Future,V, №2: 19 -22.
- 2006
- 2005
Radanova, S. Phytocenotic characteristic of the northern part of the green shelter belt of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. For. Sci., Vol. XL, № 4: 51-60.
- 2005
- 2004
Pavlov, D., Radanova, S., Atanassova, S. Productivity, composition and nutritive value of grass associations in forest park Metodi Koussev. “Journal of mountain agriculture on the Balkans”, Vol. 7, №6, 689-698.
Radanova, S., Ivanova, S. Peculiarities of plant cover in “Metchi Kladenets” countryside, Stara Zagora region. Forest Science, Vol. XL, № 3, 2004: 45-56.
- 2004
- 2003
Radanova, S. Lithophytic Groups and Forest Vegetation in Mitropolit Metodi Koussev Forest Park, Bulgaria. Journ. Balк. Ecol., vol. 6, №3, 2003: 280-285.
Radanova, S. Pavlov D. Grass associations with Cereals Dominant in Mitropolit Metodi Koussev Forest Park, Bulgaria. Journ. Balk. Ecol., vol. 6, №3, 2003: 286-295.
- 2003
- 2002
Radanova,S. 2002. Data about Lishenes flora of Sliven Balkan – In: Videv, V., Pavlov, D., Videva, M., Jekov, J., & V. Basitov (ed.) Scientific conference with international participation “ Stara Zagora ′ 2002”, Thrac. Univ, Stara Zagora, Vol.2:250-253.Radanova, S. 2002. New about brioflora of the Sliven Balkan – In: Videv, V., Pavlov, D., Videva, M., Jekov, J., & V. Basitov (ed.) Scientific conference with international participation “ Stara Zagora ′ 2002”, Thrac.Univ, St.Z., Vol.2:254 – 258.
- Text books edited:
S. Radanova. 2011. Veterinary medicine botany. + CD, Contrast Publ. Hose, 282. S. Radanova. 2012. Higher plant systematic. Guide to exersices. Litera Print, 200. Participation in scientific forums: 2002 – Scientific conference with international attendance to Scientific Union, Stara Zagora, 2005 – Anniversary scientific conference 10 years ThracianUniversity – Stara Zagora 2006 – IVth Balkan congress of Botany, Sofia, Bulgaria 2009 – Vth Balkan congress of Botany, Belgrade, Serbia 2009 – XI Anniversary scientific conference with international attendance, Univ. “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Sofia, Bulgaria 2010 – PhD conference of “Elias Kanetti” society – Technical University – Rousse 2010 – Scientiphyc conference “Biologycal varyety and life surroundings” – 24-25 June, Univ. “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Participation in projects:
In national level:
2001 – Preparation of management plan to Natural Park ”Sinite kamani”, Sliven, Bulgaria
In regional level:
2006 – Analysis of flora and vegetation to the part of the forest shelter belt of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria – leader
2008 – Vegetable variety in the ”Zmeiovi dupki” Natural landmark, Stara Zagora region – leader 2009 – Cultigenic eco-systems as a source of medicinal plants – leader Participation in scientific forums:
2002 – Scientific conference with international attendance to Scientific Union, Stara Zagora,
2005 – Anniversary scientific conference 10 years Thracian University – Stara Zagora 2006 – IVth Balkan congress of Botany, Sofia, Bulgaria
2009 – Vth Balkan congress of Botany, Belgrade, Serbia
2009 – XI Anniversary scientific conference with international attendance, Univ. “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Sofia, Bulgaria
2010 – PhD conference of “Elias Kanetti” society – Technical University – Rousse
2010 – Scientific conference “Biologycal varyety and life surroundings” – 24-25 June, Univ. “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
2012 – National Youth Conference “Biological sciences for a better future”, October 19-20, Plovdiv.
2012 – IX National scientific technology conference with international participation “Ecology and health” – 17.05. 2012, Plovdiv.
National level membership:
- 2002 – Scientists Union, Bulgaria
- 2011 – Association of Doctoral students, Bulgaria
International level participaton:
- 2010 – DAISIE expert – Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – www.europe-aliens.org
One year membership in:
- 2015 – Botanical Society of America, USA
- 2015 – American Society of Plant Biologists, USA
- 2015 – American Association of Science and Technology, USA
- 2018 – Linnean Society of London, UK